
Marketing is how people find out about your business and it impacts the way they feel when they hear your company's name. In D2C companies, it may be your principal sales channel. In B2B companies, it generates leads for your sales team and provides cover fire for your outbound campaigns. Marketing is often painted with a broad brush as being the realm of "creatives." However, I'd argue that marketing should be a targeted, sophisticated, data-driven, and assertive approach to communicating your business's essence, functions, and value to the world. It should capture the attention of potential customers and make a compelling case for your products or services.

In today's saturated marketplace, it's not enough to simply present your offering to consumers and hope for the best. Consumers and buyers have more educational resources to evaluate your business than ever before. Effective marketing requires earning the attention and mindshare of potential customers, establishing relevance and value before any transaction can occur.

Your marketing function doesn't necessarily need a huge, full-time marketing department. On the contrary, this is a function that has historically seen a significant amount of outsourcing to freelancers or agencies. Your in-house team can be organized in many ways as a combination of employees, freelancers, agencies, and even AI.

Marketing Strategy

Your marketing strategy is crucial to establishing a strong brand presence, engaging your target audience, and driving business growth. Your marketing strategy should be both quantitative and creative, combining data-driven decision making with innovative ideas for marketing campaigns. It's about being able to precisely measure the impact of your activities, but also being willing to take risks and experiment in order to capture mindshare with your target audience.

Key elements of a marketing strategy include:

While your marketing strategy is a long-term plan, it isn't set in stone. The market is dynamic, and so are your customers. Regularly review, stay agile and adaptive, and never forget: you're not just selling a product, you're telling a story.

Marketing Organization, Functions, JTBD

It should be noted that for marketing in parictular, there are many different opinions on the definition of each function/discipline and who owns what. For example, some companies may see sales enablement as a job for the product marketing team and some may see it as a job for the content marketing team. The following categories are meant to provide one high-level framework for the different marketing tasks and functions that may exist in a business.

Marketing Project Management & Campaigns

Within the marketing landscape, project management plays a crucial role in organizing, planning, and executing marketing initiatives. Effective project management helps ensure that marketing projects, like campaigns or events, are delivered on time, within budget, and meet their stated objectives. A marketing project manager coordinates with various teams and stakeholders, keeping everyone on the same page and ensuring smooth progress from conception to completion. They manage resources, set deadlines, assign responsibilities, manage the creative review process, and monitor and summarize the progress of the project, ensuring marketing efforts align with overall business goals.

Marketing Campaigns involves creating and executing strategic initiatives aimed at promoting a product or service to a specific target audience. Marketing campaigns can be run across various channels such as email, social media, traditional media, and more, and often involve multiple touchpoints. You may launch many short-term campaigns across the year (~2-4 weeks/campaign) and/or you may run longer-term campaigns (~6-12 months). The goal is to achieve a particular objective, like increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. Each campaign needs to be carefully planned and managed, ensuring a consistent message across all platforms, and tracking performance against established KPIs to measure effectiveness. The length of the campaign should be sufficient to collect results that are statistically significant in terms of measuring efficacy, but not so long as to be burning cash reserves on an effort that has clearly stopped working.