Compensation and Benefits Administration

What it Means

Stepping into a new organization can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking for a new hire. A new hire may have considerable education and experience around the job you hired them for, but this is probably the first time they've seen the job from your company's perspective. This is where an effective employee onboarding and training program can come in - serving as the Rosetta stone to help new hires translate their current skills and knowledge into learning how they can be effective within the new organization.

Onboarding is the systematic and purpose-driven introduction of new hires to the essential aspects of the company: its culture, processes, policies, and job-specific nuances. It's not just about administrative paperwork (though paperwork is important), but rather about making the new employee feel welcome, valued, and part of the organization. How easily can new employees complete their government-required forms and understand + register for their new benefits?

Training, on the other hand, dives deeper into the functional aspects of the organization. It's about imparting the required skills or enhancing existing ones, ensuring that the employee is well-equipped to carry out their tasks effectively and efficiently. Does your company have a special way of communicating across the org or conducting meetings or writing machine learning code?

Why it Matters

Practical Examples

Consider a rapidly growing SaaS company that's expanding its team. They've just hired Lucy, a software developer.

On her first day, Lucy isn’t just handed a laptop and left to fend for herself. Instead, she’s introduced to a structured onboarding process as well as a 30/60/90-day set of goals. She's given a tour of the office, introduced to her teammates, briefed on company culture, and walked through administrative necessities like IT setup and benefits enrollment.

Over the next few weeks, Lucy undergoes role-specific training. She’s introduced to the company’s coding standards, the software tools they use, and the projects she'll be contributing to. She's also paired with a mentor who assists her with any questions.

Three months in, Lucy feels confident in her role and has become a productive team member. Thanks to her smooth transition, she already sees a long-term future with the company.

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