Ops Stack

"In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first." - Frederick Winslow Taylor

Once you've determined your org's jobs-to-be-done (JTBD), you need to figure out how they'll be integrated to successfully execute your business strategy. This may include things like implementing standard operating procedures, establishing appropriate communication channels and rhythms, or implementing quality control systems.

Just like with your Org Stack, there will be operational tools and processes that your business may never need or may not need until your growth hits a certain level. Being thoughtful about the systems you put in place as a framework to connect, communciate, and execute is how you put together your Ops Stack.

What do we mean by Operations?

"Operations" is probably the second most nebulous term in any business (right behind strategy) in that it means very different things to different people based on their background (industry, size of the company, business model, functional job role). Here we will define Operations as the day-to-day activities that a company undertakes to produce its goods and services and create value for its stakeholders. It includes all the processes and tasks that the organization must execute consistently to function effectively, ranging from product development and production to sales, marketing, customer service, and administrative duties.

Operations revolve around managing your firm's assets including personnel, capital, and technology to transform inputs into outputs - your products or services.

"Efficiency is conerned with doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the righ things." - Peter Drucker

We will build open Peter Drucker's famous quote by defining Operational Excellence as the simultaneous pursuit of operational efficiency and operational effectiveness.

Why it matters:

The Operations of a business can be thought of as the engine of its succes: turning the wheels that drive revenue, profit, and growth. Based on that analogy, it should be pretty clear why your Operations deserve thoughtful design and attention, but here is an enumeration of the why:

The Ops Stack

Operations Design Stack (Ops Stack): An Ops Stack is a comprehensive, integrative framework for the strategic management and execution of business operations. This stack overlays the traditional operational model with modern components such as digital transformation, process automation, and flexible outsourcing strategies to achieve efficiency, scalability, and agility in the rapidly changing business landscape.

Rather than focusing solely on the internal operational processes of each business unit, an Ops Stack considers the bigger organizational picture, incorporating the following elements:

By combining these elements, an Ops Stack provides a business with a robust and flexible operational blueprint. It allows businesses to rapidly adapt to changes, optimize resources, and maintain a competitive edge in the digital age. This modern approach to operations enables a business to anticipate market trends, respond to customer needs, and evolve its operational capabilities effectively.

Formal Concepts: