Data Management & Governance

What it Means

Data management isn't just about storage; it's about efficiently collecting, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure its accessibility, reliability, and timeliness for its users. 

Data governance encompasses the principles and practices that ensure high-quality data exists throughout the complete lifecycle. 

Together, these two domains ensure that data is both secure and functional, playing a crucial role in every aspect of a business's operations.

Why it Matters

Practical Examples

Consider a modern healthcare provider that handles a wide variety of patient data, from medical histories to real-time vital signs, insurance details, and billing information. As the clinic expands and treats more patients, the sheer volume of data they deal with becomes overwhelming. Every patient visit accumulates more data: from lab results to doctor's notes to prescribed treatments and medications.

Without comprehensive data management, crucial medical details could be misplaced, misinterpreted, or even accidentally merged with another patient's records. These missteps can have dire consequences, affecting patient treatment outcomes and trust in the medical facility.

But beyond managing this data, the healthcare provider also realizes the paramount importance of governance. With robust data governance in place, they can ensure that:

This healthcare provider, by championing data governance alongside management, not only upholds the highest standards of patient care but also ensures they remain compliant with health information regulations, building trust and reputation in the community.

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