
Culture is not a set of values on your website. Culture is what you do.

"Values guide decision-making and a sense of what’s important and what’s right.  Culture is the collection of business practices, processes, and interactions that make up the work environment" - Matt Blumberg

What it Means

Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, norms, and symbolic representations that shape the way employees and management interact with one another and conduct business activities. This pervasive force informs everything from communication and decision-making styles to how success is defined and recognized within the organization. It's often described as "the way things are done around here."

While culture is frequently influenced by a company's leadership, it's not something that can be imposed from the top down. Instead, it evolves organically over time as employees internalize and reinforce accepted practices and behaviors. This shared understanding creates a collective identity that distinguishes the organization from others and can have a significant impact on a company's success.

Why it Matters

Practical Examples

Imagine "EcoTech," a technology firm with a deep-rooted culture of sustainability and environmental consciousness. The open office space is adorned with plants, natural light flows freely, and there's a conspicuous absence of single-use plastics. Monthly town-halls celebrate 'green initiatives' and employees share tales of their eco-friendly practices.

Now, consider two scenarios at EcoTech:

Such ingrained cultural elements don't just foster a feel-good factor; they drive tangible business outcomes. Customers align with EcoTech not just for their product, but for what they stand for. Employees aren't just working for a paycheck, but for a cause they deeply resonate with.

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