Human Resources (HR) & Legal

You're making your first hires or you’re growing your team. You begrudgingly shift focus from product and sales to…. HR & legal. Okay, maybe not begrudgingly because you love your team and want to make sure that your business is taking care of them. You also want to avoid the cost of noncompliance (which can be extremely painful and expensive).

HR encompasses various tasks, from recruiting, onboarding, training, and performance management, to compensation, benefits administration, and employee engagement. In smaller companies, a dedicated HR staff member may not exist. Instead, companies may rely on HR software and business leaders filling the gaps. In larger companies, the HR department may be massive and operate like the mafia - orchestrating the company's destinty from the shadows.

The legal function ensures your operations adhere to regulations, safeguards your business from potential liabilities, and creats a fair and transparent work environment. You'll also need some level of legal support for establishing contracts with customers and partners.

As a startup or small business, you can easily manage the HR and legal operations in a very lean way and without hiring full-time employees. As your company grows, it might make sense to invest more heavily in these areas, tailoring your strategy to align with your evolving business needs. 

Why HR Matters

HR serves as the bridge between your company and its employees, aligning the objectives of both parties. An effective HR team helps to attract, retain and develop talent, fostering a positive work culture and boosting productivity. They manage everything from recruitment to retirement.

Legal supports and protects your business. It helps ensure that your company operates within the law, avoiding potential fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage. A robust legal framework helps protect your company's intellectual property, manage contracts, handle employment issues, and navigate regulations. In essence, your legal function acts as a shield, mitigating risk, and safeguarding your business.

HR & Legal Organization, Functions, JTBD

