Network & CyberSecurity

What it Means

The network and cybersecurity function refers to the practices, processes, and technologies designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from digital attacks, damage, or unauthorized access. In the context of a business, this includes everything from safeguarding sensitive customer data, protecting company's intellectual property, ensuring operational continuity, and maintaining reputation and trust among clients and stakeholders.

Why it Matters

Practical Examples

Let's consider a small e-commerce company that stores and processes sensitive customer data including personal information and credit card details. Recognizing the value and sensitivity of this data, the company implements a robust cybersecurity framework.

They start with risk assessment, identifying potential vulnerabilities in their network and systems. They then implement security measures such as firewalls, encryption for data at rest and in transit, secure login protocols, and regular software updates.

To protect against threats from within, they limit access to sensitive information to only those employees who need it for their roles. They also provide regular training for staff about safe online practices, such as identifying and avoiding phishing scams.

The company also establishes a response plan in case of a security breach, outlining steps to limit damage, recover data, and notify affected parties. They conduct regular audits and penetration testing to ensure the efficacy of their security measures.

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