Meeting Management

In a perfect world, companies operate efficiently and with perfect information. The meetin management policy is that there are no meetings allowed. 

In reality, most companies are unlucky enough to need to have meetings. Meetings are often necessary for collaboration, brainstorming, and decision-making. The key is to be selective about scheduling meetings and ensuring that they are productive. Meetings should have a clear purpose and agenda to keep them focused. Any irrelevant tangents or unnecessary participants that don't contribute should be avoided. Meetings should start and end on time out of respect for attendees' schedules. Follow up with concise meeting minutes and action items so next steps are clear. With thoughtfulness and discipline, companies can optimize their meeting culture to be an effective use of employees' time and energy.

What it Means

Effective meetings are structured conversations that enable a business to drive decision-making, problem-solving, information sharing, team alignment, and productivity. 

Meeting management refers to the process of planning, organizing, conducting, and following up on meetings in a business setting. This might sound simple on the surface, but anyone who's been stuck in a poorly run meeting knows that it involves much more than just setting a date and time. Effective meeting management involves creating clear agendas, ensuring the right people are in the room, facilitating effective communication, keeping the discussion on track, and defining clear action steps following the meeting. Setting a standard for how your business handles meeting management can 

Why it Matters

Effective meetings play a critical role in an organization's operational efficiency. They facilitate clear communication, encourage team engagement, and expedite decision-making. Ineffective meetings, are a significant drain on a company's time and resources. 

Practical Examples

Meeting Frameworks:

In practice, let's say the team is a product development team at a software company, and they are having weekly meetings to discuss the roadmap for their next project. Using the Delphi Method for these meetings would be a systematic, interactive forecasting method based on independent inputs of selected experts. The process could look something like this:

Meeting Types:

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